Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Finds an array of APEX port ids in a given APEX graph based on a port pattern.

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Since 20.0

Finds an array of APEX port ids in a given APEX graph based on a pattern. The given pattern must follow the rules of the Apex Path Pattern. This allows to find ports based on various criteria such as port paths in combination wildcards, or other port data such as the given value type of a port or the connection status.

If a port path is used for the pattern then the port name must be split from the node name using :


Matches all ports named t of all nodes on the top level of the APEX graph where the name starts with my_node.

The input or output of a port can be specified adding in or out in square brackets after the portname


Matches all input ports named t of all nodes on the top level of the APEX graph where the name starts with my_node.

Patterns can be combined with the & indicating that both pattern elements must be matched.

my_node*:t[in] & %ispromoted(my_other_tag)

Matches all promoted input ports named t of all nodes on the top level of the APEX graph where the name starts with my_node.

If no port can be found and empty array is returned.


graph: ApexGraphHandle

The APEX graph containing the port to be found.

pattern: String

The pattern to match the ports by.


ports: ApexPortIDArray

An array of unique port identifiers, created at run time, representing the found ports in the graph.

APEX Nodes