Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Switches between two inputs based on a Bool value

On this page
Since 20.0

Returns a if index is true, otherwise returns b.


a: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, ApexNodeID, ApexPortID, Bool, Float, Geometry, Int, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

Returned value when index is true.

b: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, ApexNodeID, ApexPortID, Bool, Float, Geometry, Int, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

Returned value when index is false.

index: Bool

The value controlling the switch.


out: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, ApexNodeID, ApexPortID, Bool, Float, Geometry, Int, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

Returns a if index is true, otherwise returns b.

See also

APEX Nodes