Houdini Main Changelogs


Updated the Rig Pose viewer state to add guide geometry for enforcing rotation limits and to update the method that is used for enforcing the rotation and translation limits. Instead of simply acting as limits on the paramters, rotation and translation limits are now applied as if the skeleton were being posed from its rest pose, regardless of the posing mode that is being used.

Fri. September 17, 2021

The custom output parameter on the ROP Fetch TOP can now be set to a space- separate list of parm names, instead of just a single parameter. This makes it possible to cook a chain of ROPs where multiple nodes have a non-standard output parm name.

Fri. September 17, 2021

(MacOS) Fixed an issue that uninstall HQueue left behind some files.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Adding option APIKeyFile as a replacement for HOUDINI_API_KEY_FILE in hserver. On windows the location of houdini.env is different for hserver since its run as a service. This makes it difficult to change options and isnt immediately obvious hserver uses a different houdini.env. To fix this APIKeyFile in houdini ini file should be used to specify an API key file. This option can point to the same file as HOUDINI_API_KEY_FILE.

Fri. September 17, 2021

(MacOS) Fixed an issue that Launcher was unable to override the HQueue installation done by old Houdini installer.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Removed bendfactor for Unity versions 2020 and up because it is deprecated.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Fixed a regression with tag visualizers on bones, lights, and cameras.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Fixed a viewer crash when toggling Load Payloads in Viewer off, then on again.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Fixed bug where the motion path handle accessed an uninitialized member.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Adding command line options `--storage-location` and options file `storageLocation` to optionally set the persistent storage location used by hserver.

Fri. September 17, 2021
  • Fixed an issue where Mac is unable to select .Bgeo or .bgeo.sc files when attempting to load bgeo
  • Fixed a number of errors and potential errors after issuing an undo command.
Fri. September 17, 2021
  • Create UI_Manager prior to creating the Qt app for hstats. Fixes crashes on MacOS/Linux.
Fri. September 17, 2021

Fixed a bug where MaterialX translucent_bsdf node was using wrong normals and either not work or behave in unexpected ways. This addresses the broken "Thin Walled" parameter on Mtlx Standard Surface.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Fixes a debug assertion in Topo Transfer multigeo regression test due to a detail mixup when fetching a primitive group.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Updated MotionClip Extract Key Poses SOP to add parameters for defining a range over which to extract key poses. Additionally, the parameters which were used to reample the MotionClip have been removed since resampling can now be done using the MotionClip Retime SOP.

Fri. September 17, 2021

Added a new hou.hipFile.saveAndBackup() HOM function that saves the current .hip file and also saves the previous state of the .hip file to a backup .hip file.

Thu. September 16, 2021

Fixed the behavior of the hou.hipFile.saveAsBackup() HOM function to match its documented behavior. The function now saves the current scene to a backup .hip file.

Thu. September 16, 2021

Added icons to the Make Rounded Corner and Remove Rounded Corner buttons on Curve::2.0, and moved these buttons to be with the other buttons on the tool and in the toolbox.

Thu. September 16, 2021

Fixing an issue where hkey would auto logout the user.

Thu. September 16, 2021

(MacOS only) Fixed an issue that "/Applications/Houdini/Current" symlink was not updated when current linked Houdini installation was removed.

Thu. September 16, 2021

Fixed an error that Launcher gave incorrect warning asking users if they want to remove an installation after the installation had been removed.

Thu. September 16, 2021

Hide the option for saving new files as text if text file saving is unavailable.

Thu. September 16, 2021

Fixing a bug that caused some of hserver deprecated API functions to not work properly.

Thu. September 16, 2021

The Vellum Solver now respects the "dead" point attribute, meaning the POP Kill DOP can be used to remove particles and any associated constraints from a Vellum simulation.

Thu. September 16, 2021

Fixed a bug in Chain SOP resulting in the Piece Rotation being ignored when the Mode is set to Deform Between Pivots.

Thu. September 16, 2021