Houdini Main Changelogs


When converting a height field to a mesh via SOP Import, primitive attributes on the height field are now translated to constant attributes on the generated mesh. As a result, attributes such as name and path will now be inherited from the volume to control the scene graph path for the mesh. This will typically cause the mesh prim to have a name of 'height' rather than fallback name of 'mesh_0'.

Thu. September 22, 2022

Fix Skeleton Blend 3.0 SOP regression where it would not move unmatched points in world space mode unless the matching points were specified as part of the group. Also fixed potential crashes when turning off Match by Attribute in both Skeleton Blend 3.0 and Skeleton Blend 2.0 SOPs.

Tue. August 30, 2022

Fixed a bug in the TriDivide SOP in Use Minimum Edge Length mode that was leading to excessive edge splitting and very non- uniform output.

Thu. August 25, 2022

Karma will now generate more meaningful normals when rendering curves as ribbons. Previously, a tangent vector was stored in the normal. This will change shading of ribbons.

Fri. August 12, 2022

TissueSolverVellum has changed the way sliding is constrained. In previous versions, a sliding constraint was established between the outer surface layer and the internal target geometry and core surface. An additional constraint attached the same surface points to the target as a means of limiting the slide distance that the surface was allowed to travel. As of this release, the slide limiting constraint is now applied to the innermost surface of the tissue constraining it to the core surface. This will eliminate the tentpoling anomamalie that would sometimes arise from a slidelimit distance that was greater than the current constraint length.

Tue. August 9, 2022

Bumped the HDK ABI version due to changes in HOM that affect ABI compatibility.

Tue. August 2, 2022

SOPgetVDBVolumePrimitive() is deprecated. SOPgetVDBVolumePrimitiveWithIndex() should be used instead from now on.

Tue. July 26, 2022

Added support for light linking on instanceable references (karma CPU). Also addresses a bug where point instancer would ignore lights with any exclude rules, or include rules that includes the instancer.

Mon. July 25, 2022

Fixed a bug where UV Planar Project VOP outputted incorrect mask values when object has scale transform. This also affects UV Tri-Planar Project VOP.

Wed. July 20, 2022

On MotionClip Blend 2.0, it is now enforced that the Blend In Start Frame, Blend In End Frame, Blend Out Start Frame, and Blend Out End Frame parameters be in ascending order. If they are not in ascending order, a warning is added and the values are adjusted within the HDA to prioritize the values entered for the later stages of the blend (i.e. Blend Out End Frame has the highest priority for maintaining its value, followed by Blend Out Start Frame, then Blend In End Frame, and finally Blend In Start Frame).

Fri. July 15, 2022

Oriented Bounding Boxes now properly polish zero-volume boxes and avoid some unnecessary 90 degree rotations. They should be tigher fit, but will also likely have different point orders.

Fri. June 17, 2022

Volume Noise Vector SOP now perserves volume primitive order and input volumes.

Fri. June 10, 2022

Fixed a bug in Group Promote SOP causing it to ignore curves when finding unshared edges and attribute boundaries.

Fri. June 10, 2022

In LOP Import, the Purpose filter is now applied to the primitive pattern to ensure that the behaviour is consistent with how the purpose filter is applied during traversal or unpacking.

Mon. June 6, 2022
19.5.274 As the title says: Bumped 19.5.273 to 20.0.0 Mon. June 6, 2022
19.5.274 As the title says: Split off 19.5 Mon. June 6, 2022

The SideFX Labs dialog and sidefxlabs.py no longer allow you to install or change version of SideFX Labs. Use the Houdini Launcher to install or manage packages instead.

Mon. June 6, 2022

The SideFX Labs dialog and sidefxlabs.py no longer allow you to install or change version of SideFX Labs. Use the Houdini Launcher to install or manage packages instead.

Mon. June 6, 2022

Several classes were removed from the hou.qt namespace: AssetGallery, AssetWorkingSetGallery, galleryDataRole, galleryDiffMarker, and renderGalleryDataRole. These classes are all internal implementation details, intended only for use within the layout LOP and the snapshot gallery panel. To edit asset gallery databases, you should now use the hou.AssetGalleryDataSource class. The assetutils.py module is also still available, with methods for editing the "current" asset gallery being used by any layout LOP nodes.

Fri. June 3, 2022

Several classes were removed from the hou.qt namespace: AssetGallery, AssetWorkingSetGallery, galleryDataRole, galleryDiffMarker, and renderGalleryDataRole. These classes are all internal implementation details, intended only for use within the layout LOP and the snapshot gallery panel. To edit asset gallery databases, you should now use the hou.AssetGalleryDataSource class. The assetutils.py module is also still available, with methods for editing the "current" asset gallery being used by any layout LOP nodes.

Fri. June 3, 2022