Houdini Main Changelogs


Fixed a bug with the TOP ROP nodes not correctly setting string parm values that contained PDG path tokens.

Sat. February 9, 2019

New TOP node Partition by Bounds replaces both Spatial Partition Bbox and Spatial Partition Generic. The latter nodes have been removed from TOPs.

Sat. February 9, 2019

Added undo support to the Character Picker. Undos and redos are now possible for the following:

  • Adding a control button
  • Deleting a control button
  • Moving a control button
  • Changing a control button's property
  • Changing the background image
  • Adding a new tab
  • Removing a tab
Fri. February 8, 2019

The shape bindings in an agent layer are now ordered by shape name when multiple shapes are attached to the same joint. Previously the ordering was arbitrary in this situation.

Fri. February 8, 2019

Added backwards compatability for sesictrl.

Fri. February 8, 2019

Fixed display node on SpatialPartitionerBbox.

Fri. February 8, 2019

Unity plugin: Now setting collider component's state on generated output in sync with the meshrenderer component's state. This fixes the case where intermediate gameobjects such as instanced meshes didn't have their collider disabled.

Fri. February 8, 2019

Added a viewport display option to render a background image as an environment map.

Thu. February 7, 2019

Unity plugin: Using folder dialog for folder parm types, instead of file. Also took out changing the path to be relative to Assets and validating it.

Thu. February 7, 2019

Fixed incorrect normals on the pyramid and blunt pyramid knobs used by handles.

Thu. February 7, 2019

Fixed a bug that could result in a crash when using volatile states in multiple viewports.

Thu. February 7, 2019

The evaluateParamOr() in PDG's scheduler.py now properly uses the scheduler's template name as prefix for the toggle override parm. This can also be overriden by calling evaluateParamOr with a toggle_prefix which is now appended properly. Also removed the underscore between template name for tractor, hqueue, and deadline schedulers.

Added convenience function convertEnvMapToAscii to scheduler.py and using it to properly encode job environment variables in hqueue and local scheduler.

Thu. February 7, 2019

The scale handle now changes appearance when in Squash and Stretch mode. The axial style switches from box knobs to inverted pyramid knobs, and the cloverleaf style inverts the uniform scaling pyramid knobs.

Thu. February 7, 2019

Volume SOP is verbified.

Thu. February 7, 2019

Fixed a bug in the PolyDoctor SOP where primitive attributes and groups were not preserved when a polygon was divided.

Thu. February 7, 2019

Python states:

  • Add tolerance parameter to hou.Geometry.intersect to make intersectionhits easier on large scale geometries.
  • Update snap example scene
Thu. February 7, 2019

Fixed bugs with Fuse 2.0 SOP where P was being excluded from Attributes to Snap, even if it wasn't the Position Attribute, and another bug where and empty Attributes to Snap was being treated as matching all attributes, instead of no attributes. Some parameter labels were also changed.

Wed. February 6, 2019

The Normal SOP now has an option to specify the attribute name, an option to make existing normals unit length, and an option to reverse normals, like the options from the Facet SOP.

Wed. February 6, 2019

The geodiff utility now supports diffing the contents of packed geometry primitives.

Wed. February 6, 2019

Fixed a bug where the info window appeared when MMB-clicking on a VOP input, rather than the expected menu.

Wed. February 6, 2019

Fixed bug where hkey would report that the connected server had unkown licenses when in fact there was no issue with the licenses.

Wed. February 6, 2019

Fixed a couple issues in the crowd solver that prevented arcing clips from being applied to parented agents, and could also produce unexpected results when e.g. dynamically parenting an agent during the timestep. The 'agentturnrate' point attribute is now set for child agents, and their transforms are also now updated at each substep to match the behaviour of normal unparented agents.

Wed. February 6, 2019

Fixed a bug in the PolyPath SOP when Connect Only To Other End Points is off, where if an end point has a lower number than the point it should connect to, it was not connecting the end point. Fixed another bug where rewiring of vertices wasn't being done recursively/transitively.

Wed. February 6, 2019

Added undo support for pose/folder renames in the Pose Library.

Wed. February 6, 2019

Added new Python state scene examples located under $HH/viewer_States/examples

Wed. February 6, 2019