Houdini Main Changelogs


Fixed an issue with the roppath parm on the ROP Fetch TOP node not working with work item @expressions.

Wed. February 19, 2020

Fixed an issue with the roppath parm on the ROP Fetch TOP node not working with work item @expressions.

Wed. February 19, 2020

Fixed an issue that could potentially cause multiparameters to lose their value when reloading a .max file or starting a new Houdini session

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue that could potentially cause multiparameters to lose their value when reloading a .max file or starting a new Houdini session

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue that could potentially cause multiparameters to lose their value when reloading a .max file or starting a new Houdini session

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue that could potentially cause multiparameters to lose their value when reloading a .max file or starting a new Houdini session

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue that could potentially cause multiparameters to lose their value when reloading a .max file or starting a new Houdini session

Tue. February 18, 2020

The experimental EXR driver used when HOUDINI_OIIO_EXR=1 now handles image plane name collisions better.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue with sendcommand node for hqueue and tractor which caused a python exception.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue with sendcommand node for hqueue and tractor which caused a python exception.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue with sendcommand node for hqueue and tractor which caused a python exception.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue with sendcommand node for hqueue and tractor which caused a python exception.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue with sendcommand nodes for hqueue and tractor that would cause a python exception.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Switch license comments of PDG python source files to an AS IS license. This allows users to use code as they wish.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed a bug where some license commands tried to validate if the client had read/write permission prior to sending which caused some clients to not be able to execute the command.

Tue. February 18, 2020

A very basic version of the VEX trace() function has been implemented for karma. This is likely enough for rounded edges, but not enough for dirt masks or general function yet. There may even be problems with rounded edges since trace scoping isn't supported yet.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Provide better error messages when a client does not have access to the license server.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Provide better error messages when a client does not have access to the license server.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Provide better error messages when a client does not have access to the license server.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Provide better error messages when a client does not have access to the license server.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Provide better error messages when a client does not have access to the license server.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Fixed an issue with a frame value not being added to the partition in the Wait for All TOP node.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Added a new In Process Scheduler TOP which can be used to configure the maximum number of concurrent in-process work items. Previously PDG would always run HOUDINI_MAX_THREADS in-process work items, without any controls exposed for changing that behavior.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Unity plugin: Fixed ramp parm not being displayed properly in Unity due to Unity's AnimationCurve widget not allowing duplicate position- value entries. Fixed label not displaying for label parms.

Tue. February 18, 2020

Removed the vestigial special case handling of the "Pw" attribute that was intended to deal with it being an alias for the fourth component of "P", which has not been the case since 14.5.120.

In particular, hou.Geometry.findPointAttrib("Pw") will now return None if there is no such attribute, hou.point.floatAttribValue("Pw") will throw an exception if there is no such attribute, and hou.point.setAttribValue("Pw", 0.5) will no longer create the attribute if it does not already exist. The hou.Point.weight() and hou.Point.setWeight() methods can still be used without caring whether or not the attribute exists. Several bugs related to this special case handling were also fixed.

Tue. February 18, 2020