Listing all nodes in a tree through python

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I have a little logic problem, that should be easily implemented enough if I give up my neophyte ways and learn proper coding.

Let me see if I can explain it, but since it's a logical error on my behalf, let me apologize in advance if it stops making sense.

-I want a for loop to keep running itself, replacing the list its iterating over, until the list is empty. In order to list everything which is connected to a single node.

-A switch node check should go in there at some point, but for the sake of simplicity, lets assume there are no switch nodes in the scene.

-I'm trying to have my script run up a ‘tree’ where one root node has something connected to it, and then check if something is connected to the node it returned.

for s in rootNode.inputs(): # This will return anything connected to it.
for x in s.inputs():

This gives me a list of all nodes for two levels of depth, is horribly ugly code, and I have no way of knowing beforehand the exact depth level.

-Anyone out there that knows how I should approach this?
-Is there a default recursive python function in Houdini, that resembles the os walk module?
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hou.Node.inputAncestors() ?
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wicked, thanks

ended up throwing this together while pondering over it though:

def nodeCheck(self,node,checked=None):
if checked is None: checked=
connected =

for n in node.inputs():
if n not in checked:
if str(n.type()).endswith ('switch>'):
index = n.parm(“index”).eval()
thislist = ]
for y in thislist:

connected += self.nodeCheck(n,checked)

return connected

this will listAncestors and follow switch nodes along the way, dirty but works.
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