Does knife SOP and clip SOP the same node ?

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I just curios about the difference about these two SOP, they looks so similar … For what reasons dose houdini have such design ?
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Hey Seila, I believe knife just adds an edge, whereas clip actually removes polygons above or below the edge

I think part of the reason why you may have nodes with similarly functionality is speed (which is important when building a procedural system) for example, blast SOP has less parameters to compute, whereas delete SOP gives you more flexibility. Yoj can.use either or, but one will be more optimal. you can use the performance monitor to see the millisecond effect of each node
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I just curios about the difference about these two SOP, they looks so similar … For what reasons dose houdini have such design ?
hi ,

the main difference seems to be this point 3 sentence in the Help system about the KnifeSOP :

Drag a line to specify the plane along which to divide/clip. ..

indeed , i just tried .

the ClipSOP doesnt let you draw a cutting plane in viewport ; like KnifeSOP does .

everything else looks identical ..
except the things that cannot be seen , nothing is like it seems .
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Thanks for reply,
I'll try the performance monitor, this is a new function for me.
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