Syntax / functions to get world x,y,z into an attribute?

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Hi, I have a situation like this:


Sphere (or some dummy object)
xform (rotating arbitrarily)


pyro node - (attributes) - Wind Tunnel

I want to get the direction the xform node is facing to be the wind tunnel direction for the pyro sim, but I'm getting stuck on how. In Maya, I would drop a locator parented under the node, offset it by one unit in X, and send its WorldPosition where I want it to go.

I imagine there's an elegant way to do this in Houdini, so what would you recommend?
Edited by - July 17, 2012 15:50:24
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So far I've tried these with no luck… I don't get errors or anything, but the channel stays at value ‘0’ even though ‘windtarget’ is transformed.




Also tried ‘vtorigin’.

I'm guessing it doesn't work because these are sops and not objects. I'll try with a point and ‘prim’, see if that works better.
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It was the backticks. It didn't like them.

For whoever cares, this worked great:

in /obj/my_geometry:

Grid (rows=1 cols=1)
group (group name = windtarget)
merge (merged with rest of geometery)
xform (animated rotating)
delete (delete nonselected, group ‘windtarget’)
Null (named ‘windtarget’)

In dopnet, in the pyro node:

X = prim(“/obj/arrow_origin_ref/windtarget”,0,“P”,0)
Y = prim(“/obj/arrow_origin_ref/windtarget”,0,“P”,1)
Z = prim(“/obj/arrow_origin_ref/windtarget”,0,“P”,2)
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