Houdini 12.5 Crash on Splash Screen (Arch Linux) - SOLVED

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have installed Houdini 12.5 but When I start it it crashes on the splash screen.

I guess it is to do with nvidia drivers, but I dont know where to start… Any help would be gretaly appreciated smile

This is one of multiple Crash reports that it leaves, But all content in them is the same:

Crash report from dustykhan; Houdini FX Version 12.5.376
Traceback from Mon Apr 29 20:40:12 2013
Caught signal 11
AP_Interface::coredumpHandler(UTsignalHandlerArg) <libHoudiniUI.so>
UT_Signal::UT_ComboSignalHandler:perator()(int, siginfo*, void*) const <libHoudiniUT.so>
UT_Signal::processSignal(int, siginfo*, void*) <libHoudiniUT.so>
_L_unlock_11 <libpthread.so.0>
_nv005glcore <libnvidia-glcore.so.313.30>
_nv005glcore <libnvidia-glcore.so.313.30>
_nv005glcore <libnvidia-glcore.so.313.30>
_nv005glcore <libnvidia-glcore.so.313.30>
_nv014glcore <libnvidia-glcore.so.313.30>
_nv013glcore <libnvidia-glcore.so.313.30>
glXCreateNewContext <libGL.so.1>
Edited by - May 2, 2013 13:56:02
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Why are you using the gcc4.2 build with archlinux? the gcc4.4 build works just fine.
Martin Winkler
money man at Alarmstart Germany
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Thanks for your response.

I did have gcc4.4 installed, but I had the exact same error.
I will reinstall this evening and update this post accordingly.
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you should contact Dave Hale, he created the spash screan
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Try installing the Nvidia driver 310.44. It's stable. I had some problems with hsvg and 313 that didn't crash, but would constantly corrupt icons.

http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-310.44-driver.html [nvidia.com]
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Okay, I re-downloaded and installed GCC4.4 and I have managed to get it work work, but It constantly crashes extremely easily.

I will try installing the 310.44 driver, and hopefully it will sort things out.

I will update with a response.

Thanks for your help
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If the 313 is really giving you a hard time, you might remove the “nvidia” package, and try “nvidia-304xx” before messing up your system with the driver directly from nvidia.

The 304-branch has quirks of its own, but they might be more manageable than blowing up your system with a driver that comes from outside the normal package management.
Martin Winkler
money man at Alarmstart Germany
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I did try the 310 driver direct from Nvidia, and it broke a few other programs dependency's and also stopped GDM from loading on boot. So I reinstalled the Nvidia package from pacman, but I will looking using the 304-branch instead, and hope for the best.

Thanks for the help and suggestions.
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Works like a charm with nvidia-304xx drivers from Arch Linux Packages! Thank again for your help!

Just need to figure out how to mark this thread as solved
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