Flip rendering as cube of smoke?

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i imported thru dop import field my flip sim when i render i get a block of smoke insted of particles.
in the dop network the flip is normal(as particles)
any idea?
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flips contain a lot of data, plenty of it is volumetric fields
so it depends on what you are importing
in flips you are usually interested only in Geometry so importing like vel field as well may obviously result in houdini rendering that as well

as you can see setup from shelf tools currently imports Geometry, surface and vel
but the SOPs afterwards are immediately deleting all primitives so surface and vel fields are gone (the possible reason of importing them is maybe so they are chached for if you decide to use them later)

so just make sure that after all the processing in sops you are not keeping those volumes, or just don't import them at all if you don't need them
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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thanks for you help, i did something stupid
i imported into my dop flip node a source volume.
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