SDF volume + distance

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my head is already muttering… since 3 days i try to select usable informations on how to use the distance feature of a SDF Volume.

I want to fill a sphere with points and want to delete them from outside to inside. “shell for shell” as I would say. But I find nothing, nada, niente….
Its so boring to search and search and…
Hopefully anyone in here could give some advice or at least a link for a tutorial.

Thank you in advance.

Huschi (really bugged)
Edited by - June 18, 2013 13:01:12
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Many ways to do this.

Here's one way using the Volume Sample VOP to index in to a second input to a VOP SOP.

cull_points_by_sdf_volume.hip (94.8 KB)

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a little late; I forgot it:

thanks a lot
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