Houdini crashes when "make breakable"

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Hi all! First of all I'd like to introduce myself becouse this is the first time i post on this forum. I'm an italian student (18) so I apologize for my bad english. I'm trying to learn Houdini but i'm having some problems.

I've downloaded the apprentice version of Houdini and I'm following the quicck Start Tutorial on SideFx official Website. When I make the columns breakable and i start the simulation, Houdini crashes without saying which error was the cause of the crash.

For the moment i have had this problem only with the “make breakable” function.

if you need, i've updated my graphic card driver to 326 of OpenGL, so 4.4.

My hardware configuration is this below:

-Intel core i7 3770K
-Nvidia GeForge 670 4Gb
-Ram 16 Gb

and I use Windows 7 Home Edition.

My Houdini version is 12.5.477.

I hope you will help me
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I think the default for the RBD Solver changed to Bullet which doesn't work for the tutorial. So, you need to change the “Solver Engine” parameter of the “rigidbodysolver1” node from Bullet to RBD.
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Thanks for your help but unfortunately the problem is still there..Houdini crashes and Windows reports a system problem.

could it be caused by the OpenGL version(4.3 instead of 3.2) or by my graphic card (Nvidia Geforge GTX 670)?
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Have you tried it on a production build (Houdini 12.5.469) and see if it's still doing the same?

just out of curiosity can you send a file?

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http://www.crocko.com/57C1C98D4A154397B904EE3B0F531085/Intro4.hipnc [crocko.com]
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Ok so I had a look at your file and it did crash the moment I added Make Breakable and played the sim.

But Looking closely at your Columns geometry I saw that there is some bad polygons… So I dived in your box_object1 and followed the steps and I noticed that your polycap node was not working well.

Since you polysplit and created Ngons (polygons with more than 4 points) the polycap was trying to cap the top edges with side edges.

Check the file, I added notes and added the Make Breakable and it works!

Intro4_X.hipnc (1.6 MB)

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thank you very much. Now it works!!! Really, this problem had stopped me from going on following tutorial!

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No problem!
You should always make sure that your geometry has a clean topology before you send it to DOP. Sometimes this can also affect simulation time is some cases!

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