about displacement,help!

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hi there!
i creat a simple cube and wanna displace only one side of it when rendering.but because the other surfaces are not displaced ,the edges intersect eachother.i have tried several method but still cannot get the result i want.could anyone help me with that?i want the displacement to be very detailed so it must be built in shader i think,and dont want to lose the disp detail on the edges as well.thanks so much.
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Did you try to group those points?
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i didnt try that,what should i do next?
actually i want displace the interior part of some fractured pieces and keep the nice detail on the edges of the flat surface.
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Well when you do voronoi fracturing you have some groups created : inside and outside.

First operation : Take all your voronoi pieces and add an attribute color, white for example.

Second operation : Delete the inside parts with a delete sop, then add a group to the edges of what's left (the outside parts), in the group sop disable “number” and activate the “edges” tab. Here simply check “unshared edges”. Call this group for example “edgeGrp”. Add an color attribute to that group, you need it to be black.

Then between the two operations just drop an attribute transfer sop, transfer the color with a low distance threshold, add a little bit of blend width to soften the color. You may need more points for this, so increase poly count in your initial geometry that you want to fracture, then enable interior details in your voronoi sop.

Then your inside faces are white (if you did it correctly there is some white at the edges), and the outside are black.

Finally in your shader (or you can also make it in a vop sop) just import you Cd attribute, and multiply your noise by Cd.

Inside_Outside.hipnc (178.2 KB)

https://vimeo.com/obreadytom [vimeo.com]
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hi Lewul,
thank you so much for the reply,i will try that ~
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I have tried that and checked the hip file ,that's really a good way for the displacement.But the surface is not displaced so there will not be any turbulent detail on the edges.Is there anyway to displace the interior and the edges on the surface but keep ground surface flat with disp shader? or i have to achieve that using vopsop to displace the model?

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Your mean you just want displace on the inside parts?
https://vimeo.com/obreadytom [vimeo.com]
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yeah,the outside part is flat,inside part is displaced, the problem is the edge between them will have some intersection or gap effect, if i give that edge a black color to force it no displacement,there will not be any detail on it,the detail on the edge part is just what i want.maybe displace all of them only in x and z direction will be ok,but i dont know how to do that.
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Try a smooth sop in sop (smooth the color)
Or try a fit ?

And maybe you can play with the distance threshold.
https://vimeo.com/obreadytom [vimeo.com]
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I've found the solution here .

http://forums.odforce.net/topic/19434-edge-displacement-on-fractured-pieces/ [forums.odforce.net]
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Ah this is what you meant. Sorry this was not what I thought.
https://vimeo.com/obreadytom [vimeo.com]
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Maybe my question was not very clear,thanks for helping me ,Lewul .
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