Dynamic sim terminal velocity

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Dear Forumers,

I wondered how one can setup a terminal velocity when gravity is a force within a dynamics sim. Obviously terminal velocity is very complicated in reality but I was wondering if there is a simple way to cap max velocity of simed objects.

Currently I am using particle fluids to simulate raindrops so the answer for this type of sim is preferable.


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for more physical solution, just use Drag POP as that's what's happening in real life, terminal velocity is reached when drag force cancels gravity
not sure if drag computation takes into account pscale to compute real area of the particle, but even if not you have plenty of control by tweaking all the drag properties in Prop Property/Dynamics and varying mass to achieve customized effect per particle

for non-physical solution you can just yse POP Speed Limit to clamp the speed
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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thanks. will try that

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