UV pelt question.

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I tried to follow the tutorial for uv pelt that comes with version 7. I think I did everything right.
1. hit tab in the viewer chose uv pelt. left clicked on the ankle edge, hit “l” to loop it.
2. did the same with the other ankle, the neck, the wrists, the “inseam”, the back.
3. went to the front view, Ctrl-lmb clicked on the chest of the character (the chest turned blue.
4. Cntrl-6 to call up the bottom two views.
left clicked again and left clicked again, exactly as the tutorial said.
At this point a green checkerboard is supposed to apear with the pelt of the character spread out. This did not happen. This is the n-th tutorial that I have been through with SESI and not one of the tutorials that I have tried, work. Do the people at SideFX go through them to actually see if they are correct or do they just type stuff off of the top of thier heads?
I tried the “Particle Shockwave” tutorial and when it came to the part where you type in the expresion to make the shockwave pulse and repeat, I got errors. I even copied and pasted the expressions in. I think the ability of SESI to impart any kind of knowlege is greatly lacking and that it is either intentional or completely due to carelessness..
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Hi harlequin, are you left-clicking after step 4 to complete the UV Pelt? You always right-click to finish off operations (and the tutorial says RMB-click).

To show the green checkerboard texture you need to press ‘d’ in the viewport to bring up the display options. In the Background tab, under Image Source enter the path $HIP/grid.jpg (the grid shader tells you where the texture is). I guess the tutorial assumes previous knowledge of this stuff.

The variable $HIP means that Houdini will look for the texture in whatever directory the current .hip file is located, and conversely when you save an image as $HIP/whatever.pic it will save it in the directory of your current hip.
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No, the tutorial says to hit cntrl-6 to bring up the UV window. Where in fact you have to hit something like space-cntrl-rmb or some such. Prior knowlege or not, the tutorial is worded wrong.
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