volume spot question

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I am a CG student currently learning basic rendering.
I just still cannot get the “rman volume spotlight”shop working. The light colour of this light shader works fine but I just still cannot see the fog! (even I put “0” in decay, fog density 2)

How can I apply the fog on this light shader-volume spot? Pls help! Any help will be highly appreciated!
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How can I apply the fog on this light shader-volume spot? Pls help! Any help will be highly appreciated!

See Application Note #20 in the PRMan documentation.

Also see the thread “next door” to this one (here [sidefx.com])
Mario Marengo
Senior Developer at Folks VFX [folksvfx.com] in Toronto, Canada.
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I tried to render a scene with a standard spotlight under the smoke environment with the aid of smoke shader I found fromhotoRealistic RenderMan Application Note #20

but the result looks like a cone with lots of small white dots instead of looking like thin cloud. Which parameter should I tweak I can archieve a thin smoke effects under a spotlight? The step size I used is 0.1 but it already take quite long time to render!

Pls help! Thank you for your attention!
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