transfer texture to particle color in new dop-pop workflow

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hi guys!

i'm quite new to houdini, actually working on a production with the v.14…

i got a pyrofx with advected particles in a dop network
i emit smoke and particle from scattered points based on a texture .Everything works fine, but i want to acquire the color of the texture to my particles.
I did that trick in the past but with the new dop-pop workflow i'm lost…
does anybody knows a simple way to do that?

thanks by advance.

ps: i joined an simple example of what i did



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1) The Point SOP you use for copying the point attributes has some typos in the expressions.

The three versions should be the same except for D_CR, D_CG, and D_CB. In your case you changed the second point() expression to be 2, 3, when it should have been 1 for both.

This is why I'd suggest instead using the Attribute From Map SOP to do the copy a little bit easier.

2) You aren't sourcing from your scattered points, but sourcing from the density field. This is why there are no colours any more. If you branch off an OUT_PARITCLES and point the source to that (and maybe make it All Points) you'll keep the particles.

Attached shows this setup.

basic-pyro-emit-from-map_159_change.hip (824.1 KB)

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hi jlait!

thank you for your quick answer!
i don't have houdini at home but i will check your file
verry soon

keep in touch

thx again
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hello sir!

finally, i checked your file, and thank you! it's perfect!
this is exactly what i needed!

thx again
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