RBD output or multiple shapes to alembic.

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Seen a few topics scrape this but nothing really completely answered.

I've got a RBD simulation or even just multiple objects in one sop that I'd like to export thru alembic and have them show up as separate objects on the other end. (maya, in this case)

Ultimately I'd like to get RBD packed object sim anim out as alembic and back into maya as keyframed objects.. Alembic has support for saving the static geometry, and keyframes on their transforms.

Is there any way to do this in houdini by default? or through some hackery?

I currently don't even have a working scene where setting the “name” attr on objects will pass thru to the alembic partition mode correctly so that it will generate separate objects and not one combined one back in maya.

firstly whats the trick there? is the name attr supposed to be point? or primitive attr? I believe RBD packed stuff and shatters makes point by default.

Any and all info or pointers to example files that would help me figure this out would be greatly appreciated.. especially a simple example of
getting multiple objects exporting as partitions into and out of an alembic file without them getting combined up.

thanks in advance.

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