Export camera data in ".chan"

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Hi everybody !
I'm new on houdini and i'm just trying to export my camera data in“.chan” to import it in Vue. Unfortunately, i don't know why, export and import the camera data in FBX doesn't work, there is nothing happens when i import it in Vue … :cry: However the import works perfectly in maya…

I can also import the camera data in Vue via a “.chan” file, so i'm looking to export simply my camera data in“.chan”. I looked on internet and on the Forum but i didn't find … so, yeah if somebody know the way to export the camera data in“.chan” it would be fantastic

Thank in advance, cordially
Marles :wink:
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http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=13875 [sidefx.com]
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Thx edward for your reply,i have already watched this subject and the video, but i'm maybe to stupid to understand it Because i don't know, what refer the file that you read in the “CHOP”, it's a file in “.BCLIPNC”, but actually what is it ?

sorry to ask you that, but do you think you can just explain me the method of this exportation via the CHOP ?

Thx in advance, cordially,
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Sorry, “.bclipnc” is the native non-commercial CHOP file format. For that video, you should be able to just substitute “.bclipnc” with “.chan” to use the different file format. The file formats are inferred from the file extension.
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Ok, thank a lot edward, your replies helped me so much.

But i got another problem, I put down a fetch CHOP and i pointed it on my camera. Then I right clic on the node to “save data channel”, i choose the directory of the outfile and the name. When i choose the name i change the extension in .chan (before it was “.bclipnc”). But then, when i clic on save, it says me that is not possible because the file type is invalid…. So i don't know how can i export the chanel in the “.chan”, maybe i need to change the extension of the file after saving the file in “.bclipnc” ?

Sorry for my unknowledge … but i'm a beginner and i'm easily lost :?

Thx again for your help
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Oh… maybe that file format isn't supported in Apprentice…
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yeah but i'm using a Indie licence….Anyway, i will try to bypass the problem.
Thanks again for your help :wink:
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