Unable to change Expression in Existing Digitial Asset

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I had created a digital asset in which afterwards I decided I was going to split it up into 2 seperate assets.

Because of this I was going to use different names for the Operator types so I could be clear in organizing my work.

So from the existing hip file I used to make the original asset I duplicated the existing asset using the Operator Type Manager and renamed it as well.
I then set the asset with change type to ensure I was using the the new Operator type by name.

Then in Editor Type Properties I deleted the paramters I was no longer going to use and then went about updating my expressions to reflect the new name of the operator.

expression example changing from old to new:

node_type = hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), “vc_base_unit”)
return node_type.hdaModule().Change_Wave(ch(“select_wave_start”))

node_type = hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), “vc_control”)
return node_type.hdaModule().Change_Wave(ch(“select_wave_start”))

The problem is that in the hip file that I used to make the asset, it does reflect and allow me to change the expression, ie. everytime I open that hip file its show the expression changes that I have made.

Yet when I open a blank file and import the asset the old expressions are still there and not updated.

I've played around with the “Operator Type Manager” “Change type” and “Type Properties” quit a bit and can't seem to get the changes made.

I was hoping to be able to do this somehow without having to start over with the drag and drop routine and make a new asset since there is also quit a bit of work in sorting out my callback scripts and so on.

Thanks for any help.
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Well it seems whether through intentional design or by oversight that you cannot change an existing parameter of a digital asset once it's been created;
At least not directly.

In this original post I thought because I was doing something “complicated” with my attempting to rename a digital asset, but I was working on a another digital asset today and discovered I didn't like the initial setting so tried to change it.

But I couldn't do that. No matter what changes I tried to make, even if it appeared to change in the original hip file used to make the digital asset, once I go to importing that digital asset it retains the original setting.

The only way to change it is to create a new parameter, set it the way you want eg. desired expression or relative channel reference; Then delete to old “duplicate” paramter.

It seems one should be able to just change things like that “directly” and update the asset to reflect it instead of having to go a longer way about it.

Unless digital assets are set up this way for a specific reason I think it would go well on the feature request list.

Along with this is the ability for the program to also “carry over” callback scripts of the paramater that is transferred ( dragged and dropped ) to the digital asset parameters. It carries over the expressions faithfully of the parameter why not the callbackscripts too?

Maybe I'm an inexperienced user and don't understand why it is set up as it is but it would be great to get some comments on this.

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