Simulation Cache?

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Hello, everyone. I've only been learning houdini this last few weeks, so I'm kind of new, and I have a simple question. How do I clear cache after reseting a simulation? Everytime I preview one, Houdini eats up a fair amount of RAM. But, whenever I reset that simulation, memory usage doesn't go down, and if I re do it, more amount of RAM is filled. It hasn't hit the limit so far, but it's a little bit annoying having houdini using 10gb of memory without any sense.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my crappy english, if so.
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The blue bar along the timeline represents valid cached data. When it turns orange the cache is invalid. Typically when you rewind the orange bar will clear automatically.

I have experienced simulations that won't clear even after a reset. The blue bar persists even though I have changed a parameter in the sim. At this point I just do a save, close, and re-open Houdini.

If you have multiple sims in one scene you may have to click on every Reset button on each network. If networks are inside node it becomes more cumbersome to dive inside Reset, pop back up one level etc..

It's not perfect, it is what we have at this time.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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