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Hi Guys,

I am Andre and a new member of this forum.

I went to the ApprenticeFest yesterday and just like to tell everyone what a great event it was.

Well done SideFX and Techimage.

IMO the seminars were excellent and I got quite alot out of them, although for people not familiar with Houdini they seemed to be missing quite a bit.

The seminars held about 8-10 people which I felt was ideal, so you had a chance to ask more detailed questions and pick the tutors brains.

Jesh and Simon, the seminars I attended, done a really great job and were superb answering questions afterwards, they really enjoyed sharing the knowledge and trying to help out.

I will be attending a customized Houdini class the next two weeks at EscapeStudios to learn more and fill in gaps.

Any tips from you guys in terms of things I should be concentrating on?
Oh, I am not into modelling very much my speciality is VFX.


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Andre- I was there too - I saw Justin from Framestore's presentation - I had a place at a seminar but I was enjoying the one I was in so I missed it - more please!
- my mate Steve won the free software so I've been planning a mugging- but what's the course at Escape??

Mark Creer
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The training at Escape is a customized one on one with an industry professional for 5 days (Stuart).

I've just spoken to him and agreed that we will cover advanced topics since all the basic stuff I can learn myself via the tutorials, already done quite a bit of work.

Will start next Thursday.

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Anyway you could post video files of the course; ie VTM or just post the tutorials on the net? I am all about the Houdini tutorials

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The training at Escape is a customized one on one with an industry professional for 5 days (Stuart).

Andre - that sounds a good way of doing it, though I imagine it's not cheap - in a couple of months I might do the same myself - if you dont mind I might email you then!
If you do anymore would you be interested in splitting the cost for 2 to 1 training?!
Mark Creer
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Hey Mark,

Not a problem just email me when you're ready, although I don't know yet what I will be doing, but it's certainly a possibility to consider.

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