Compatibility Question

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Joined: Nov. 2015
Hello everyone!

After playing around with the apprentice version of Houdini, and using the 30 day trial for the plugin engine, I think its time to put out the money and buy it. Before that though, there is something that is starting to worry me though.

Recently, Autodesk has been starting to announce huge updates for Maya. Because I only have a perpetual licence and because of how/where I work- buying and keeping a subscription isn't something that I can do (at least right now).

So, my main question: I am trying to figure out how installing/updating for Houdini works, will support be dropped for 2016 when the next version is released?

I know that over time a program will eventually become obsolete- I am just worried about the upcoming couple years.

Thanks to anyone who can give me a hand! Looking forward to adding Houdini to my workflow!
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When we release a new Houdini version, I'd like to have the plugin available for the current Maya version and two older Maya versions. If you look at the current Houdini 15.0 release, plugin for Maya 2016 and all the way up to Maya 2012 are available. Though eventually, I'd like to drop Maya 2012 and Maya 2013. But it's safe to say that Maya 2016 will be available for a few more years.

If you're updating between 15.0.x builds, then the same Maya plugins would be available. In fact, I've actually added new Maya versions to existing Houdini release before too.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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