UV mapping> flatten vs pelt vs unwrap

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Trying to get my head wrapped around(pun intended) UV mapping in Houdini.

But confused as every tutorial I've followed suggests a different tool to use.

Are there any guidelines or best practices for choosing between Unwrap, Flatten and or Pelt?

Is the type of geometry the determining factor?

Also, the only recent tutorial I can find is this one going over UV Flatten

https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/uv-flatten/ [sidefx.com]

Are there any others that are more comprehensive?
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Joined: Nov. 2013
There are some nice new tutorials, they’re GameDev focused but there’s this new series about modeling which digs into uv tools a bit.

Generally speaking I can imagine each tool does a better job dealing with particular problems, for sure the geometry should determine which one to use, but as a noob in houdini I’m asking the same questions to myself.

I’d like to see some feedback on this thread because many new 3d users would appreciate any comments!
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