Volume collision problem, pouring smoke in hollow object.

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When i try to make a hollow object like a drinking glass, a colission object it works great when i use “concave” collision type.

For some reason I cannot get a simple glass geometry to be filled with smoke (pouring) coming froum ourside of the glass.
It behaves as if the glass is closed on the top (wich it is not)

* I tried VDB sdfs
* Tradidional collision volumes (the collision volume in SOPs looks great) and hollow
* I also tried making the glass a regular static collider.

None of these worked as a collider for the smoke. (it did work as collider for geometry etc.)
Smoke never went INSIDE the glass (it collided with the outside top) , and when it did go in it never collieded at all. It went trough the bottom.

What would be the better strategy to pour a simple glas with smoke? (coming from outside the glass)
or what could be a reason i'm missing why the glass is colliding on the top? (smoke not going in)
Edited by rpdacosta - Sept. 11, 2016 17:23:14
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Hi, A better approach would be to pour the glass with particles and have the particles emit smoke.

Gone fishing
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I will try that first thing tomorrow.
Thanks for the idea.
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I need the particles distributing like smoke, particles either collide (bounce) or not, but does not glide the same way like smoke. (colliding curls etc)

I just gave it another go with the volume collider, still no luck. There is something (probibly very simple i'm overlooking) that is still wrong in my test scene setup.

here is an image:

(PS how do i upload a scene file to this forum? : )
I see the orange upload button. I use that to select my file, and after that I click on teh checkmark on the right.
What would be the next step go get my files uploaded?

Here is my dropbox scene file link in case that might help
https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6wjsx4svigk1kp/Fill_with_smoke_v01.hip?dl=0 [dropbox.com]

Edited by rpdacosta - Sept. 12, 2016 05:30:18
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Go to the Advanced tab of the Pyro Solver and set the Max Substeps to 2.

The Volume based collision is working, the reason some of the smoke is dropping out is the bottom is too thin That should fix itself in a higher-res sim.

Another option if you really want to keep the sim low-res is to make the bottom thicker.

Btw you don't need the Bullet solver there.
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