How should I debug operator errors?

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Joined: Jan. 2014
So I'm fairly new to Houdini and am starting to get the hang of it, but every now and then my operators error and I'm not too sure why. I would like to get more information on them and why the data or operation fails to work. I know about middle mousing on the operator and it's inputs but sometimes the error isn't particularly helpful.

Currently I'm stuck as my import water source, from a DOPnet, going to a ‘particle fluid surface’ operator is not outputting a surface polygon soup correctly. The error reports “Invalid source particlefluidsurface1:copy_sim_detail_attributes…”

That's fairly hard to comprehend, especially as I guess I'm not receiving the whole error by the fact that it ends with, “…”, ellipses… Especially as this network came from the shelve.


A) How do I print the whole error to try to debug it myself?

B) How do people normally go about debugging their scene?

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error message on digital assets can be a long list of all error messages from contained operators, therefore it's truncated
just dive into the node and you will see more errored out nodes
start MMB inspecting them from the top to learn more specific errors
if necessary keep diving in until you find the culprit or until it makes sense

“Invalid source..” type of error usually means that some of the input nodes errored out, so you will have to inspect that one
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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