Underscore? Sad face :(

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I missed the huge jump between H12 annd H15. So I am trying to get used to the new stuff. There are alot of great additions, except a desicion that is made by SideFx which makes me a sad face everytime I see one of these.

First of all I am sorry if this a dead horse issue.


This is a sad choice for the syntax because the underscore char is a widely used character for naming stuff(especially to replace “ ” space char to make it cross platform) and it is definetely not a scripting contextual look. Now maybe this is my personal taste but lets follow some imaginary examples.

Please decide for yourself about which one looks more like a scripting context



To me the original syntax looks the least attractive one as a scripting syntax because of the choice of that char.

Lets make it ugly


I hope that SideFx reverts this desicion and come up with something better.
Edited by veritasone - Sept. 23, 2016 23:03:29
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Yes, this is a dead horse…whinny!
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