When simulation calculations by GPU?

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Hi, could you please advise if you are working on making simulations in Houdini computed fully by GPU or something like 10% CPU and 90% GPU? Working only on CPU is very very slow (OpenCL support is not helping much). It would be great if you could add also GPU based renderer.
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There is no full computing on the GPU. When you enable OpenCL you can expect about a 30% increase in speed. At least that is about what I experience.

There are a couple of GPU render systems for Houdini, you have to buy them and own a Houdini Indie license or better. Check out Octane or Redshift.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Its not worth it… only gain as much for the price of the hardware..
also not all features is supported…
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Joined: Sept. 2015
That was question to sidefx employees. I know that there is no possibility to run simulations on GPU at the moment. I know also about Octane and Redshift, but maybe sidefx is working on in-built GPU renderer?
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