CopyStamp behaviour

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I'm working on a expression for a variable as a copystamp in a copy node, and to understand the behaviour so I write out the expression ‘properly’ for my intent, I've done a simple test which is making me wonder what really is happening.

My test function prints out to the Houdini Console the positions of each point that is the source for the second input of the copy node.

The source for this input is a line. And as expected, when I change the number of points in the line I get the printed out values for those same number of points.

However, I noticed something that seems odd; That when say the line node(source) is selected in my network view, then I clear the Houdini Console, then select the copy node; At this point I get unexpected behaviour in that not all the points get ‘printed’ out.

Actually in most cases I get the last point printed out twice, even though say the line is set to 5,6 or 7 points.

So I am wondering if this is only just some spurious behaviour relating to how the ‘cook’ gets set? And that I am correct in thinking that the copy node looks at each point coming in the second input for the expression of the variable, much like a point wrangler will ‘run’ over each point of the input?

Or is there something else I don't understand?

Feedback is appreciated - Thank you.
Edited by BabaJ - Nov. 11, 2016 10:46:08

CopyStamp Behaviour.hiplc (52.8 KB)

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