[FR] Add to Group Pattern

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Hey hoy all, just putting out a rather simple feature/suggestion:

A rightclick option over any group in the group list to “add current selections to group pattern”.

Attaching pic for clarification, this can probably be coded in an afternoon by some intern
Edited by syn2 - Nov. 23, 2016 15:24:26

groupaddselectionsuggestion.png (173.8 KB)

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It looks like your picture didn't make it through. Could you try posting it again?

Also, groups exist on geometry, not between different objects, if that's what you were referring to. Is it that you'd like to be able to be at an object level in the viewport and still select groups within single objects with the group list? That could become prohibitively memory- and time-intensive in large scenes with thousands of objects that each have a lot of groups, but it might be possible to have an option, (though I don't know the group list code). It will definitely have to dive into an object upon selecting a group in it, though, because I'm pretty sure selections depend on it.

There may be something qualitatively similar to object groups as well, if that's what you meant, but I'm not as familiar with objects, myself.
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Image should be up now

About your question/comment:

I was merely wondering why the grouplist cant show existing groups…without requiring the user to be in a specific selection mode (point/edge/poly)?

But then I realised why it is functioning this way

Anyways, this was just somewhat I remembered off the top of my head, its not part of the FR per say.

To clarify, the FR is only about functionality for “adding selection to group pattern”.
Edited by syn2 - Nov. 23, 2016 15:26:47
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