Particles in Houdini

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Hi all,

I am new to Houdini (just started like two weeks ago) but I am already blown away by the possibilities of this soft. I started to wonder why I was using MAYA for all those years
Anyway, currently I am going through plenty of tutorials playing with particles, destruction, etc. etc.
I would like to use RAMP to set up the size of the particles depending on their AGE because so far I am using the expression fit01(rand($AGE),0.01, 0.1) which scales particles but scales each one of them per frame and what I need is for the particles to be small at the begining, then grow in size and then get smaller towards the end of their life.
Please forgive me a noob question

Best regards,

Robert Wilinski
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Here is one way. If you drop down a Color node it has the ability to map an attribute, such as particle age, to a ramp. This gives you a greyscale based upon particle age but remapped by the ramp. Then you follow that up with a short one-line wrangle that takes the RED channel from the color and assigns it to the @pscale (particle scale) attribute. Follow that up with a Copy (which internally recognizes the @pscale attribute) and you get something like what you are asking for.

This kind of emulates the Trapcode Particular approach to particles.
Edited by Enivob - Dec. 13, 2016 09:16:49

ap_particles_pscale_by_ramp.hiplc (260.4 KB)
Untitled-1.jpg (183.4 KB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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20 posts
Joined: Dec. 2016
Awesome hint - thanks a milion
There are so many ways to solve a problem in Houdini - it is just amazing. Thank you for your help - I am gonna test it tomorrow.
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