#Include syntax for VEX header files for Pre-Flight Cloud Rendering Set-up

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Ok, so my post title is a bit of a mouthful , but I was hoping someone might be able chime if they knew how to do one part of what I am trying.

I have a digital asset which has point wrangler nodes. Those nodes have headers for the functions they use.

For example one of them is:
#include <C:\Users\Me\Documents\Houdini Projects\Vex Code\Base Code\Geometry Functions v2.h>

However, when I set up my hip file to get sent to GridMarkets for rendering it can't ‘see’ those files.

Even in the pre-flight window where you add the files needed like the ones in my include statement, it needs some ‘extra’ help to see it.

Thanks to the feedback from GridMarkets they gave me steps of what I need to do in order that these files can be ‘seen’.

One of the steps is to create a local variable to my scene that serves as a path so that the GridMarkets ‘server’ can find those files.( I may not be describing this properly - but I am trying to save on making this post too verbose with cut and pasting my other correspondance with GridMarkets).

So in this case I now have local variable
C:/Users/Me/Documents/Houdini Projects/Vex Code/Base Code

Now, the guy who gave me the steps of how to do all this gave an example of how to change something like this for my external python files referenced in the Python Source Editor, but he wasn't sure of the syntax for my VEX header files.

I'm not sure how to change my VEX headers to use the local variable.

For one the local variable uses forward slashes, while my include uses backwards.

If it weren't for the fact that each time I upload to render it takes quit alot of time to do and (cost?), otherwise I would probably just try through trial and error of formatting my headers differently until I get something that works.

Does anyone know how I might change my headers?

As an example just for the idea of it even though syntax is most likely incorrect:

#include <EXTRA_FILES> + <Geometry Functions v2.h>

Your help is appreciated - Thanks
Edited by BabaJ - Dec. 15, 2016 11:05:17
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