Trouble exporting two skinned meshes + bone animations as fbx

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Hello Houdini community,

I run into trouble when exporting my animations in an fbx from Houdini.

My object presents two skinned meshes with bone animations.
When I export the object as an fbx, the file only includes the deformation of one of the meshes.
The bone animation is exported for both meshes though.

- I tried exporting the two objects separately (I collapsed them into two different subnets and exported one subnet at a time) and the problem still persists.
- When playing the animation in Houdini, both skinned meshes and animations work properly.
- In an earlier version of the file, I had no problem exporting the deformation for both meshes - they were both rigged and skinned and worked properly once exported as fbx ; the problem started when I added the animations and tried to export them.

Any idea of what could cause the problem? Maybe something is wrong in my export options?

Thanks for your time and attention!
Edited by rrats - May 12, 2017 06:47:20
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This sounds like a bug to me. I'd submit a bug: []
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bump: the problem still persists!
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Did you submit a bug? This forum is for user supported help only.
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Did you submit a bug? This forum is for user supported help only.

Yes I submitted it, but I'm not sure the problem comes from a bug.
If I export the model without UV texture and mapping, the deforms works well on both meshes - the problem appears when adding UV mapping, so I guess there is maybe a way to prevent this to interfere with the export of the skinned meshes
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