Heightmap UDIM output

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I'm using a heightfield_output node, and I have “Divide into tiled maps” enabled, however it does not seem to work. No image is output and it never loads a status box. If I dive into the cop2net1 inside the heightfield_output, I see an error: “Cook Error in input: window1”

I'm using Houdini 16.5.496, and according to the changelogs:
Houdini 16.5.198 Fixed tiled output on Heightfield Output.

So presumably tiled output should work… Turning off Tiling does export a map.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Is this a bug, or something I am doing wrong?

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Same issue here, im using Houdini FX 16.5.601
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Update: If you are using EXR, make sure to use ‘Deep Raster’ for Output Type. That resolved my issue with exporting the UDIM tiles. However now I am running into an issue where my all of my channels are blank, except the height and bedrock channels. It writes the channels fine without tiling.

Any suggestions?

No UDIM passes:

UDIM passes:
Edited by nextheory - Oct. 18, 2018 00:16:45

udimTerrainLayerOutput.PNG (11.2 KB)
noUdimLayerOutput.PNG (515.8 KB)

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