Grouping Particles in a POP Network by age

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Hi there, I am trying to group particles based on its life attribute. The attibutes value are brtween 0.5 and 3 . I am using a POPGroup Node after the pop source and typing in VEXexpression “@life<2” but it doesnt seem to be working as I expected and also it is not givin me any error.
Have you experienced that before?
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Joined: Nov. 2016
Are you using:

ingroup = @life < 2;

It works as expected here. Can you provide your project file if doesn't on your side?
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Joined: Aug. 2014
Sorted, I just need to make sure it was affecting all point and the begining of the sintaxis or as you saying ingroup…its hard the beginning of VEX tho thanks!
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