VEX questions?

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Is there a command in VEX which will output the contents of a variable to an output window for debugging purposes?

Also, how do you comment code in VEX? In the help it says use either // or /* */ but when I try either of these Houdini throws up an error! I'm trying to write a function in the Alias and Variables dialog. When I take the comment out, no error occurs so its not my code….

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An expression written in expression and variables isn't vex it's a weird hscript C hybrid. Try using # for comments.
For debugging VEX use printf, for debugging hscript use message, or just set a global variable with setenv.
Not too sure about debugging expressions, maybe message works.
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Hmm my tutor told us that the functions written in aliases and variables was VEX. Now I'm confused! If I want to write a piece of proper VEX code where do I do it? Do you have to write it as an external text file? If so, how do I reference the text file to use it as a function?
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You can write it in an external file - or go to file -> new operator type and select the apprioprate type, then select ok and it will bring up a dialog box, one of the tabs will be a vex one, you can add your own code in there.
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For debuging use

Have a look at the print OP in VEX and the help cause there is a special syntax to use if I remember correctly.
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printf() - prints to the console
sprintf() is for formating strings for use with variables, I believe.
Edited by - June 28, 2006 13:07:48
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True, my bad.
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