Animating an imported .obj geometry (spring basic animation)

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Joined: Oct. 2018
Hello all,

I'm fairly new to Houdini. I've been following some tutorials doing very cool things and I thought it's time for me to try and do my own stuff. I started with basics, created a spring and animated it:
Made a line between two points, sweep, created parameters such as radius, turns, bulging, animated the points. Works wonderfully.

I wanted to try and apply the same with a specific spring I created on Rhino. So I thought it was going to be easy as importing the geometry, getting the points and animate them, but I realized I don't know how to animate the spring in this case.

I first import the geometry. Then extract the points and create a curve through them. I convert it to a NURBS curve and take it out with a null to create the mesh later with a polywire.

I want to make an animation that when I move the point 83 (please see attached .png) all the other points move together to create the spring effect, but so far I can't find a way to do it.

I know it might be easy and straightforward and there are things I don't know, so I would appreciate some guidance.

Thank you,

Imported Geo.png (1.2 MB)
Curve & Points.png (1.2 MB)

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