Pop Streams

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In the example file I have some particles I want to change from one state to another.
I have two streams. When P.y is greater than 2 they change streams. Each stream has different forces.

What I want to do is completely reset the particles movement (v, force etc) when it changes stream and take over completely with the new streams nodes.

But the second, green stream, the particles move too slowly.

I think the reseting of v and force keeps happening even though it's in a different stream and in a group specific wrangle.

This will probably make more sense with the file.

Any help would be appreciated.


streams question.hiplc (273.8 KB)

http://simonfarussell.com [simonfarussell.com]
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164 posts
Joined: Feb. 2014
Of course, as soon as I post it I work out the solution.
Create a just born group in the Pop Source and make sure the first wrangle in that group.

streams question solution.hiplc (276.3 KB)

http://simonfarussell.com [simonfarussell.com]
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