Vellum - Match Animation & Gravity

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Hello everyone,

I'm currently playing around with vellum and came across an issue I'm not able to solve alone.
Some Grids are falling on a collider and should be pulled in different directions at a certain frame.
When the pressure is to big, they should tear apart but thats hopefully an easy thing with “weld points” and edge fracture.

The main problem is the animation: As soon as I tell the vellum constraint to match animation, I get my animation, but no gravity and vice versa. So how do I get both, animation and gravitation?

As an additional question: how can I give the vellum object an initial frame; so I can kind of skip the falling down part and start right away with the animation.

Thanks in Advance

Vellum Test.hip (730.3 KB)

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This seems rather simple but any help is still appreciated
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You need to match animation for specific points, to get them to follow the intended path, but not all the points (ex. the roots of hairs). Since all your vellum is getting matched to the animation, you don't get any simmed geometry.
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Your problem is that the animation you are trying to match is floating above your sim. It looks like you want to pull the sheets after they have settled on the collision object. In real life, you would grab the cloth by the edge and pull. In the attached example, I setup a very simple constraint that turns on at frame 75 and tries pulls all your sheets off.

for the initial frame, you could run the sim up to the point you want and cache out that geo, and then use that as the starting input cloth shape. To have it accurately preserve your cloth starting rest constraints, check out the “vellum rest blend” node.

Edited by Karl Richter - May 6, 2019 14:31:21

Vellum Test_v02.hip (731.6 KB)

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Thank you both

Especially the hip-file is a great help;
Your solution is indeed quick and easy; seems I still have to adapt this vellum-way of thinking.
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