Specific trouble with rendering crowds

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It happend that I have an agent with huge amount of joints(about 250). And now I have a difficulties with rendering it. As far as I know when I'm starting render, mantra unpacks whatever it needs. So I get HUGE amount of boneCapture data.

460 agents are taking 57gb of ram (with motion blur) while rendering.
Can I get rid of this data somehow? Or perhaps there's another way to handle it? Without boneCapture it takes 10 times less memory.

Any advices would be apreciated!
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If each point is weighted to a large number of joints, you could use Capture Correct on the source geometry to limit it to e.g. 4 or 8 weights. Using polygon soup primitives (the Agent SOP / ROP also has options for doing this conversion) can also reduce Mantra's memory usage
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