GLTF 2.0 blendshape export

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Hi all,

Are blendshape/morph target/whatever-you-want-to-call-them animations supported in Houdini17.5 GLTF export? Use case is a blendshape-animated FBX from Maya. I want to convert it to GLTF for consumption in Unreal, Unity, and an in-house engine. Loading the FBX looks like it works: I have a Morph Target, a geo object, and a material network. Inside the geo object is a mesh, a farkton of blendshapes (as locked nulls), and a blend SOP they all connect to. This works. It plays back in Houdini just fine.

When I export this as a GLTF or GLB, the file size is 4k, so that's obviously not working. What are best practices for getting blendshape GLTF/GLB files out of Houdini?

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The GLTF exporter only supports static meshes at this time.
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