Python node connection for each loop

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I have python script at the obj level connected to two other geo nodes.

I want my script to print out the names of the two geo nodes.

This is my script :

node = hou.pwd()
node_outputs = node.outputs()

for i in node_outputs:
print node_outputs(i).name()

I get this error :

Python error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 5, in
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not ObjNode

What am I missing here?

If I write :
print node_outputs(0).name()

This works correctly though. So what's wrong with my loop?


PS I had to replace the brackets where the indices are to post this
Edited by maxbel - Aug. 27, 2019 20:29:41
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Hi there!

TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not ObjNode

As the error says, the elements in the node_outputs are of type objNode and not integer. So when you do for i in node_outputs, datatype of i is not an integer(number), so you won't be able to access the tuple elements using that.

# node_outputs will look something like this
node_outputs(<hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo2>, <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo3>)

# Since you already have the node object in node_outputs, 
# you could get its name directly like this
for out_node in node_outputs:

# or if you prefer to use the same approach,
# you have to loop through the full length of node_outputs
for i in range(len(node_outputs)):

Hope it helps

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Hi J and thanks for your very descriptive response

I'm obviously still very new to python so there are some concepts that I don't fully grasp.

For example, when I created the object node_outputs = node.outputs() I assumed that this was returning me a list I could loop over the indices. From what I understood from your answer is that my node_outputs only contains hou.ObjNodes that don't have indices. Hence tuples don't have indices?

Thanks again for your explanations

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Hi Max,

tuples are data structures which can store multiple values, For example,

my_tuple1 = ('hello', 'world')

my_tuple2 = (1, 2, 3)

Both are valid tuples. You access the elements of the tuple using its index. Tuple indices starts from 0.

first_element = my_tuple1[0]
second_element = my_tuple1[1]

>> print(first_element)
>> print(second_element)

When you do for i in my_tuple1, here i is just a temporary variable that you're creating to access the elements of the tuple when looping and i doesn't refer to the index of the tuple. In this case i refers to ‘hello’ in the first iteration and ‘world’ in the second.

In your case, node.outputs() returns a tuple which you could loop through using it's indices but node_outputs is not returning you a tuple of indices.

It is returning a tuple of objNodes. so when you do for i in node_outputs, i refers to the first objNode in first iteration and not the index of the first objNode. To get the index, you do for i in range(len(node_outputs)). Now you're looping through a range of values and len(node_outputs) returns the total length of node_outputs (2 in my case).

So under the hood, it's doing for i in range(0, 2), and i will be 0 in the first iteration and 1 in the second iteration and you can use these numbers as indices to access the elements of the tuple.

Hope it's clear. Please let me know if it's not.

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Hi J,

Thanks again for your explanations. It does make a lot more sense.

I understand that in my for each loop, my ‘i’ was already getting assigned the objects of my tuple node_outputs.

Hence all I needed was something like print

Maybe I don't have the right terminology but it does make more sense

Thanks again!

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