few questions about HDA, channels and scripts

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HI there,
what I'm trying to make is a camera rig in Houdini to reflect a camera rig done in XSI, import animations and have it as a HDA with needed handles/parameters.

sadly I've got the following problems:

1) chcp/chls doesnt list/copy subnets/HDA parameters…
2) “disable when” parameters works, but as I'll explaing below doesnt fit my needs and I need your help.

1) I'm trying to copy/paste some animation from a Collada import Camera Rig which let me have animations in Houdini but the Rig is totally messed cause in XSI ther's few constrain/expressions which doenst fit in the Houdini “architecture”, I dont mind on it.. I made a new houdini camera Rig but what I need now is to copy animation from “collada subnet” channels into my HDA channels (which are actually parameters I created for my HDA)… problem is that neighter from the collada subnet or from the HDA i get output from a “chls” or “chcp” .. which makes a script undable.

2) I wanted to have to chance to choose to use a camera interest (typical XSI setup) or not (houdini setup) .. using “lookat” parameter. My HDA have a toggle which lemme choose a “on/off” way .. then a lookat parameter to choose the “tobe looked” object in case I want to have a camera interest…
the parameter field gets disabled accordingly to the toggle.. but not the real output of that parameter, since the camera always looks at the interest… so I need help on setting this, I guess should be simple….. but apparently I cant get it, even after couple of coffes

cheers and thanks for your help.
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Not sure about question 1 at the moment but try this for 2

Put the following expression in your camera lookat path, where null1 is your camera target object and togglelookat is a toggle button on the top of your asset.


If that works then I guess you should be able to replace the ../null1 with a channel ref to your path on the front of the asset like this

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jean , constraints in xsi will not port into Houdini or maya , you should split off your , pan , tilt , move onto seperate Nulls, then you can plot out your transforms , for export. and never ever use a null as a target/look at for your camera , real world camera's dont use that.

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