Programmatic triggering of tractorscheduler node

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Using Houdini 17.5.460, I have a tractorscheduler node, say “/out/topnet/myTractorScheduler”, filled out appropriately. If in the UI I click the Submit button in the “Submit Graph As Job”, a job submits to Tractor and I get a UI confirmation dialog. It looks like the button calls pdg.scheduler.submitGraphAsJob(), which if successful is putting up that UI dialog via PySide2.

If I want to programmatically submit the job (without the confirmation dialog), it looks like I would have to duplicate most of the code from submitGraphAsJob()? It might be nice if it took an optional parameter, say confirmViaUI=True, so that it could be called without depending on the UI.

Also, I tried to call submitGraphAsJob() from hython. I got something like this:
  File "C:/Users/fred.flintstone/mysubmit/", line 41, in _quickSubmit
    submitGraphAsJob(None, tsnode, "Tractor")
  File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.460/houdini/python2.7libs\pdg\", line 407, in submitGraphAsJob
  File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.460/houdini/python2.7libs\", line 10561, in cook
    return _hou.Node_cook(*args, **kwargs)
hou.OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Error while cooking.

Is there some GUI dependency buried away in the cooking call? Or does the cook() call in there need something more than hython's normal Engine license? If I wanted to test that, what value would I put in HOUDINI_SCRIPT_LICENSE for hython to pick up an FX license instead of an Engine?
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It should only require an engine license, I'm not sure why that would fail in hython but not in houdini. Do you have the same HOUDINI_PATH in both cases? I would suggest submitting a support ticket.
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