Is there a way to attach 2 pieces of geo together?

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Is there any way that one can attach one geo to some other geo in Houdini? I have animated vehicle that I need to attach a simple light to or a smoking exhaust. Seems simple but almost impossible in Houdini. In 3dsMax it was a click of a mouse so I thought maybe there is something in Houdini too. Hopefully doesn't include a page of code. You guys know any workarounds?
Edited by Nikodim Fomich - Oct. 7, 2021 00:42:19
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If you're talking /obj, just wire them together.

If you're talking sops, a simple way is to isolate a point on the parent, then copytopoints the child onto that point.

There's lots of other ways, but those should cover the use cases you're talking about. [] []
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ple way is to isolate a point on the parent, then copytopoints the child onto that point.

There's lots of other ways, but those should cover the use cases you're talking about. []
Omg mestela thank you so much man. I can't believe I didn't try that SOP idea as it makes so much sense.
I know about OBJ context with wiring GEO together but my question was about the SOP context and "copy to points" did the trick magnificently. I was fearing some Attribute Wrangle business haha Thank you once again man.
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