Gobo Lights in Solaris Renderman and Matte ID

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Joined: June 2022

I need to use gobo lights in solaris using renderman. I know light filters are not yet supported but if there is any other way?

Another question is using Matte ID in renderman materials. I have setup a matte id using build arrey. also used a sop modify and
added matte id 01 render attribute with the same color in the model. Still its not working. It would be helpfull if anyone can help me out with this as renderman as of now is lacking in solaris documentation.
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You can manually construct a gobo (i.e. transparent texture on a plane placed in front of a spotlight), I did that with Karma XPU. It kind of works, you don't get a lot of detail in the shadows, but it does break up the lighting.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
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