Null Control Type Position

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Maybe a very basic question, but how does one make the Display Icon automagically match the actual Pivot position of a Null ( besides manually copy / pasting relative references for every channel ) ?

When I move the Pivot Point of a Null to a different position by using the "Insert" key, the Display icon does not move with it, which is something one would expect. But so far I've either not bothered or moved it numerically.

But one would think there to be a secret way to make the Display Icon follow the Pivot, or at least move the it manually in the viewport as one does with the Insert key for the Pivot. Instead of moving every axis numerically, which can be quite cumbersome when working with many Nulls.

Anyone ?

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You could link the display center and display rotation to its pivot counterpart and save that setup as your permanent default for nulls.

( besides manually copy / pasting relative references for every channel )
Make sure to have a short cut for copy and paste channels. Also you can copy/paste XYZ in one action.

Edited by CYTE - Dec. 22, 2022 11:07:35

Link Channels.gif (1.2 MB)

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Very nice with a fancy gif, muchas gracias, I tried saving the settings as default before if I recall correctly, but I got an error so I thought that’s not the proper way to do it. So I guess I’ll have to hack some prefs somewhere, or sacrifice some small animals ;-)

That’s one of the frustrating things in Houdini, one so often gets bogus options with the RMB, you never know if it should work or just left over fluff thats not even supposed to work and one should simply ignore.

But I’ll try again asap, thanks a lot.
Edited by toonafish - Dec. 22, 2022 18:11:58
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Just as I thought, when I try to save the setting as a default I get an error "Couldn't save preset "New Preset" to....check file permission".

I can save it as a preset when I select a path, but then I have to select this preset to adjust the setting manually every time. I think it would be easier to have it as a default setting.

But been googeling around and tried to hack the "houdini.env" file by adding a "HOUDINI_USER_PREF_DIR" pointing at a folder I created. And when that did not work I tried adding a "HOUDINI_PATH", but that did not work either, and resulted in errors as well.

Then I stumbled on some info that it's best to use packages instead of hacking the env file, but I can't seem to find any pointers as how and what exactly.

Really ? I give up for now, seems more complicated then something as basic as this should usual.
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Pfew, after running in circles for a while I finally solved this conundrum by first saving it as a preset and selecting the "$HOUDINI_USER_PREF_DIR" in the dropdown menu, and then as "permanent defaults".

Seems you have to use the "$HOUDINI_USER_PREF_DIR" otherwise it doesn't work, at least not here.

Just in case some other newbie runs into this...
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