status on the layout LOP node in 19.5.639?

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I've been working with solaris for a couple of months now, and have produced some tests and shots with the new workflow I'm happy with.

However I keep running into the same issues as most other in here, with regards to the layout lop. It's a brilliant tool that makes set-dressing a breeze like never before, however as many other forum posts have written about, your entire houdini has a high risk of suddenly freezing when you re-interact with the layout LOP after having placed some initial assets.

I keep reading the release notes and have noticed in 19.5.639 that there's some new changes to the layout lop -
specifically ---
Fixed a number of issues when using the Layout LOP to edit an existing point instancer. This workflow should now behave properly, though as before, if the point instancer is changed upstream, the downstream Layout LOP won't adopt these changes unless you "Reset Changes" to reinitialize the Layout LOP, which loses all work done so far.

Not sure if it helps in my case, I find the layout lop crashing just as often when the usd assets are set up either as point instances or as instanceable references..

I am however unable to check out these fixes myself as redshift has yet to update its renderer to accept versions of houdini newer than 19.5.605

Has anybody had the chance to try out the layout lop in this new version - is it still unstable? I don't mind that some of the layout LOP brushes are a bit buggy - i can live with that - but it becomes un-workable due to the amount of crashes.

If anybody has tried the new version of houdini out, I'd appreciate to hear your thoughts, otherwise, has anybody found any semi-solid method of working with the layout lop ? (the way you structure your scene in solaris might have an effect? I've tried different things out without striking a pattern I can work with without crashes sadly)

It's hard to go back to set-dressing old-school once you've tried the layout lop lmao I really wish it was a little more stable
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What render delegate are you using when it crashes? Does it crash when using Houdini GL? Are you able to capture any stack traces and post them here or send them to with a bug report? Maybe a hip file, if you can reproduce the issue using the standard library of assets that ships with Houdini? Thanks!
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