Using RBD Cluster with DOP Netowrk?

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I am able to incorporate the RBD Cluster node with the new RBD Bullet Solver node at SOP level, but is there a way to incorporate it when using a DOP Network node with a Rigid Body Solver?

If so, how do you connect it so that the clusters it creates are passed in to the DOP Network?
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Here is a simple example to illustrate how to config bullet RBD constraints with RBD cluster node in SOP level
and use these constraints in DOP. Hope it helps.

bullet_cnst_with_rbdcluster.hip (416.9 KB)

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Here is a simple example to illustrate how to config bullet RBD constraints with RBD cluster node in SOP level
and use these constraints in DOP. Hope it helps.

Thank you for creating this helpful example.

I am unfamiliar with a couple of the nodes you used. Could you please run through what is happening in the For Each loop step by step?

Also, can you explain what the Connect Adjacent Pieces and the RBD Convert Constraints (both connected) are doing, precisely?

I had expected you to use the RBD Constraint Properties node to use the RBD Cluster node's intracluster and clustertocluster groups in its Constraint Group field, as I have see them used with the SOP level RBD Bullet Solver). Is this not possible for use in a DOP Network set up? Is this why you have instead created your own cluster groups?
Edited by litote - Aug. 20, 2023 09:02:27
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I am unfamiliar with a couple of the nodes you used. Could you please run through what is happening in the For Each loop step by step?

Also, can you explain what the Connect Adjacent Pieces and the RBD Convert Constraints (both connected) are doing, precisely?

I just presented some comments for the nodes and setups.

I had expected you to use the RBD Constraint Properties node to use the RBD Cluster node's intracluster and clustertocluster groups in its Constraint Group field, as I have see them used with the SOP level RBD Bullet Solver). Is this not possible for use in a DOP Network set up? Is this why you have instead created your own cluster groups?

In this case I just created those 2 type of constraints separately and manually, of course you can try using RBD Cluster’s constraints groups, but you should connect the node Voronoifracture’s 2nd output to the 2nd input of node RBD cluster, it's possible to use it in DOP as using the manually built ones.
This approach(manually) might be more flexible, but it’s not necessary, depends on the situation.
Edited by Benyee - Aug. 24, 2023 01:37:33

bullet_cnst_with_rbdcluster_withcomments.hip (418.5 KB)

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Thank you for your time with this Benyee, I will study your file. Much appreciated. I might ask a question about the foreach loop part once I try to follow the setup as it is a bit hard fro me to follow.
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I might ask a question about the foreach loop part once I try to follow the setup as it is a bit hard fro me to follow.

In the foreach loop, steps include:
1 take one chunk;
2 pack the chunk geometry to get rbd points, and also transfer cluster attribute because I will use it to identify the final constraint geometry;
3 promote cluster to point attribute as I found that point attribute can be inherited in the next step;
4 create the constraint geometry between the rbd points created in step 2.

I should say, the operation for cluster attribute in step2 and step3 is not necessary, it’s just for visualizing or identifying the constraint geometry by cluster attribute, and it doesn't affect the sim result.

So the entire setup in the loop can be replaced by a simpler approach,
just use one ConnectAdjacentPieces node and set the connection type parameter to the second option.
Edited by Benyee - Aug. 24, 2023 11:58:12
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Thanks for the clarification, Benyee. Really appreciated. I'll be running through it on the weekend.
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